Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Angel Wisdom


"To surround yourself with loving relationships and situations, become LOVE."

Interpersonal relationships are perhaps one of the main preoccupations with being a physical human. You are indeed blessed at this time with an opportunity to elevate your relationships and life with a new level of love.

This is what life is all about. Happiness and bliss are spiritual and they are their own rewards. Now you've become the wise warrior about how meaningless some of the stuff you've pursued in the past is. It is now time to release any unfulfilled expectations and judgements exactly where they belong, in the past. These are the experiences that teach us the most about love, for without them, we wouldn't know what we want to create instead of those other feelings and emotions.

Release the old to make way for the new, it is time to put the past to rest and move forward. See only Love. Keep those you love close to your heart and hold each other. Holding your loved ones on a cold night; hearing your child say I love you; seeing your garden grow; holding your puppy or kitty cat snuggled up with a good book; watching a sunset, a sunrise, something that makes your heart sing. Love your life - help others love theirs, too.

you are dearly loved, the Angels

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